Coverage Extension and Interoperability Solutions for the Global Radio Communications Industry

Custom Solutions

Custom Solutions


FonoMovil, Neuquen, Argentina (MPT1327 Network Operator)


Smartbridge® SB200 MPT1327 to Conventional Interconnect system, later replaced by a Cell Extender® system.


MPT1327 system, currently transmitting from a prime site in the City of Neuquen, and a Regional node further out from the city.


Following installation of the original MPT1327 network, a growing number of users from transport, electricity and oil companies through to Government and Police fleets put increasing pressure on the requirement for extended coverage and service. Operating on tight budgets; and a serious lack of coverage North of the city, and to a lesser extent, to the East, made the Operator choose a Smartbridge® system.


A Smartbridge® system was installed to provide a highly effective and reliable service on a constant 24 hour/seven days a week basis. Originally installed to service only a small number of professionally trained operators covering that area, a rapidly increasing traffic demand had started to outgrow Smartbridge®'s capacity, increasingly pressuring FonoMovil into finding a more comprehensive answer to the problem. Cell Extender® was then selected to provide a much more comprehensive and seamless coverage footprint.

Cell Extender®  provides a highly cost effective, and readily installed solution, effectively offering all the features and advantages of a new Trunked Site, but at a fraction of the cost. Typical Cell Extender® installations operate with 3 to 4 radio channels, with 1 channel usually dedicated to Control Channel service, and the remaining 2 or 3 channels to Traffic Channel operation. Cell Extender® ’s leading edge technology however enables it to operate effectively even with 1 RF channel, using a unique "Self Assign" method to switch from Control Channel to Traffic Channel operation when a user wishes to make a call. So FonoMovil’s Trunking Manager, Mr. Diego Pianciola, decided to start with a single channel system, knowing that he can extend the system’s capacity at any time, by simply adding further channels in the future, as and when required.


Solar panels are used to provide DC power (Cell Extender® ’s very low power consumption provides full compatibility with Solar powered sites). Installed in the Auca Mahuida ranges, 2200meters above sea level, Cell Extender®  has given a very impressive boost to the main system’s coverage area.

Click here for more information about radio coverage.

Our Products

Cell Extender®

Cell Extender®

Cell Extender (Series III), a recently released upgrade of our successful older generation Cell Extender II system, is a single or multi ...



CellGuard is a telemetry system specially designed for Cell Extender sites, to provide the Network Operator with full visibility of any o...



A Single Channel (SCSA) Cell Extender system is the perfect, low cost tool for seamless MPT1327 infill in 'local' areas like buildings or...



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